How big is Europe's cargo bike market
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How big is Europe's cargo bike market

Jun 06, 2023

There’s just under two weeks to take part in a survey that hopes to reveal the current size of Europe’s cargo bike market.

Led by Cycling Industries Europe, Zukunft Fahrrad, Radlogistikverband Deutschland, Les Boîtes à Vélo, the Belgian Cycle Logistics & Sporting Insights, the anonymous surveys are for cargo bike manufacturers and cargo bike operators to track and build a database on the sales and market size of cargo bikes in Europe over time.

The survey has been running since 2020 and is reportedly the only source of its kind for this European data.

Previous findings from the survey have found that revenue generated by cargo bike operators has increased year-on-year since 2019, expected to surpass well over €500,000 (by year end 2022). It is mostly SMEs that use cargo bike fleet for deliveries. In a break from the norm in the cycle industry, 23% of the cargo bike workforce is female.

Excitingly, for cargo bike manufacturers, the mean number of cargo bikes in a fleet has grown from 13 in 2019 and is forecast to reach over 55 in 2022.

And governments would be buoyed by the cargo bike sector creating local jobs, carried out in cites where the companies are working, with the survey noting: “With this growth, we could easily see the cargo bike sector becoming one of the largest growth areas in green mobility. The potential is far from being fully exploited.”

Surveys are open to cargo bike manufacturers and operators:

Manufacturers Survey

This anonymous online survey is being led by Cycling Industries Europe, Zukunft Fahrrad & Sporting Insights. The purpose of the survey is to track and build a database on the sales and market size of cargo bikes in Europe over time. This survey has been running since 2020 and is the only source of its kind for this European data.

For previous surveys, visit: in new window)

The survey is limited to:1. Cargo bike manufacturers OR their main European distributor2. Cargo bike sales in the European Union + UK, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, and the Balkan countries.

Operators Survey

This anonymous online survey is being led by Cycling Industries Europe, Radlogistikverband Deutschland, Les Boîtes à Vélo and the Belgian Cycle Logistics Federation & Sporting Insights. The purpose of the survey is to track and build a database on the use of carrier cycles in cycle logistics over time. This survey has been running since 2020 and is the only source of its kind for this European data.

The survey will be available from the 5th May to the 12th June and is open to any company operating in Europe using a commercial fleet of one or more bikes, e-bikes or cargo bikes to carry out services or deliveries. For a separate survey for the manufacturers and importers of cargo bikes click in new window) .

Sporting Insights is collecting the survey data under its internal rules, collecting anonymised and aggregated business data to meet the objectives of the project. No names of individuals or businesses are being sought by the survey and therefore no information can or will be assigned to individual companies.

If you see the value of market and industry data then you are not alone, we at CI.N produce an annual survey focusing on the independent retail sector – you can see a snapshot of our latest data here. Contact [email protected] for more details.

Manufacturers SurveyOperators Survey